Video Presentation in Urdu/English

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The aim of this curriculum is to provide the modern Muslim world with a comprehensive ethical educational programme…

Teacher's Training
Raising the standards of thinking and getting the teacher to be a role model is only the beginning. Harbouring the right…

Character Building Course
Moral, Social & Emotional Education
This Character Building program is founded on the basic Islamic and universal moral values that are conveyed in accordance with an eclectic pedagogical approach. Values in this syllabus refer to virtues, ideals and qualities that lay the foundation of attitudes, beliefs, good conduct and actions. The term morality refers to the practice of the prescribed ethics that are the embodiment of a divine code of conduct. In this case it relates to religious values and virtues.

The Aim of this Curriculum
It is designed to educate Muslim children in the areas of self-awareness, empathy, self-control, moral reasoning, problem-solving, self-reflection, self-evaluation and other pedagogical methods that can help the child to avoid wrong and destructive choices. These methods are designed to increase the chances to succeed in the test of life by becoming a more enlightened, God-conscious, God-fearing and righteous human being.

What makes this Course different from others
Numerous efforts in terms of smaller programmes have already been made in several Muslim countries. However, the methodologies for these are, according to the experience and opinion of the author, often limited to a few skills-training techniques; or they are based on pure preaching through one-way communication. Moreover they are heavily reliant upon stories from “old times” and references to historical and religious events. Such approaches alone are not suitable for children of the modern era, as they can often be perceived as alienating.

Aspect of Learning
This aspect of learning is probably the most sensitive issue in the making of the whole community and even societies at times. And this very issue has always failed to gain serious attention though most of us are aware that it is a problem. This course tries to give a very practical execution strategy of how ethics can be delivered accurately and efficiently to sensitive and tender minds of children with every passing grade while they climb the ladder every year.
It is a brilliant work, skillfully done. It would perhaps be the first series attempt done in their field. The learned writer Sofia Adeem should be congratulated for having conceived and composed it. Years ago, when I worked as the headmaster of The Indian High School, Dubai, the idea of preparing such a book running into 8 parts did occur to me when I saw a series of books entitled ‘Moral Science’. This series was founded on Christianity. I congratulate Sofia Adeem on producing such a brilliant work – which was badly needed.
Presented for the first time at the
AMS international conference (Islamic Education Conference) in U.K. 2014.